F1 - Motorsports

F1-Motorsports is arguably the hardest event I've photographed in the last 30 years. The event week stretches from Thursday through Sunday, including media events, red carpets, team-sponsored events, race practice, and qualifying sessions—all around a 2-3 mile track. Navigating through 300K-400K race fans is a challenge, especially in unique locations like Vegas, where events happen late at night. My best advice: wear comfortable shoes and change them daily, stay hydrated, and bring layers of clothing for varying climates—from the Texas and Miami sun to the freezing nights in Vegas. Plan your shots daily, as you won't cover everything on your agenda. Aim for images with long shelf lives and understand that F1 is an international sport; photos of Ferrari vs. Mercedes will have global appeal. Partner with event sponsors for potential commercial jobs beyond race week. Network extensively—collect and exchange numbers, as connections in F1 can lead to your next opportunity.


Red Carpet & Events


NCAA - Sports